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Any investment decision relating to Pegaso Capital Sicav Sub-Funds should be made uniquely on the basis of information set out in the current Prospectus, KIID, the latest Audited Annual Accounts, the Semi-Annual Report if subsequent and, in Italy, the Subscription Form and attachments. These documents are available free of charge by downloading them from this website or by requesting them from the Investment Management Company or from authorised Distributors.
The Net Asset Value per share may fall as well as rise and hence, on redemption of shares, investors may receive back an amount less than the original amount of their investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The performance reported is net of management fees and administration expenses, but gross of initial sales charges and taxes. Any performance figures given on this website rely on figures denominated in the currency indicated. Where this currency is different from the currency in the Country in which you are resident, the return illustrated may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.